(10)公布号Publication Number(一般简写为Pub. No.)
(19)世界知识产权组织国际局World International Property Organization, International Bureau (公布文献的机构),比如:中华人民共和国国家知识产权局
(21)申请编号Application Number(一般简写为Appl. No.)
(22)申请日期Filing Date(Filed)
(25)申请语言Filing Language(国际申请提交时的语言)
(26)公布语言Publication Language(国际公布时的语言)
(30)优先权数据Priority Data
(43)公布日Publication Date(一般简写为Pub. Date)
(51)国际专利分类International Patent Classification(一般简写为Int. Cl.)
(52) 国家专利分类National Patent Classification,比如:美国专利分类(一般简写为Int. Cl.)
(81)专利合作条约指定国Designated States
●A complex activated potash solution for removal of carbon dioxide from flue gases as claimed in Claim 1, featuring the ●following components by weight:
●Potassium carbonate: 25 - 40%;
●Basic amino acid salts: 3 - 5%;
●Inorganic acid salts: 1 - 3%.
本示例译文中的前序为a complex activated potash solution for(一种复合活化钾碱溶液),应用在前序中通常会有an apparatus (某装置)、a method (某方法)、an apparatus for(doing sth.)(用于什么的装置)、a method for(doing sth.)(实现什么的方法)等。“featuring”是一个过渡词,用于衔接前面的前序部分和后面的主体特征部分。在权利要求书翻译的过程中,还会碰到频繁使用的“套话”,比如本例中的“如权利要求1所述(as claimed in Claim 1)”,这些都需要我们进行长期积累,以便熟练使用。
1. 技术领域Field of The Invention (Technical Field) :要求保护的技术方案所属的技术领域。
●The present invention relates generally to methods and apparatus for production of hydrogen, and, more particularly to methods and apparatus for producing hydrogen from an aluminum-based water-split reaction in a manner that is tailored to meet the requirements of particular equipment or applications, by differential distribution of one or more of the solid reactant materials in a matrix or other body such that areas of the differential distribution are contacted by the water in a sequential manner.
2. 技术背景Background of The Invention (Background Art or Related Art):对发明理解、检索、审查等有用的背景技术;反映这些背景技术的文件。
●As is well known, hydrogen gas has many different uses in a wide range of industries and activities.
3. 发明内容Summary of the Invention:发明或者实用新型所要解决的技术问题以及解决其技术问题采用的技术方案,并对照现有技术写明发明或者实用新型的有益效果。
●The present invention addresses the problems cited above, and provides methods and apparatus for producing hydrogen, plus heat and steam when desired using an aluminum-based water-split reaction, that offer the ability to control and tailor the characteristics of the reaction and thereby the output to meet the needs of differing applications.
4. 附图说明Brief Description of the Drawings (Figures):对附图进行简要描述。
●FIG. 4 is a transverse cross-sectional view of a reactant cartridge in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention, in which the chemical components are distribution in a generally concentric pattern about the central water inlet rather than being radially distributed locations as in the embodiment of FIGS. 2-3;
5. 具体实施方式Detailed Description of The Invention (Embodiments):申请人认为实现发明或者实用新型的优选方式,举例说明或对照附图。
●FIG. 1 shows in simplified form a basic reactor unit 10 for generating hydrogen in accordance with the present invention.
●图1以简化的形式示出了根据本发明用于产生氢的一个基本反应器单元 10。
6. 实施例Examples。
●In this embodiment, the particulate metal oxide initiator 58 is arranged in a generally coaxial mass about the water distribution tube 56, so that upon introduction of water the initiator is the first material to be contacted so as to cause a rapid rise in temperature, and in particular causing heating of the water that is flowing therethrough.
专利文件中的术语笔笔皆是,从上述示例译文中可见一斑,同时专利文件中术语和句段必须保持高度一致,因此,借此术语库和记忆库来保持术语和句段的一致性显得尤为重要,专利翻译中常用术语包括:the present invention(本发明);the utility model(实用新型);Claims/We claim/What is claimed is/What we claim is(权利要求书);prior art(现有技术);those skilled in the art(所属领域技术人员);embodiment(实施例);accompanying drawings(附图)等等。